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Mary Elizabeth Kelly – Bette Davis

So a few weeks ago, I caught a youtube short showing Mary Elizabeth Kelly doing an impersonation of Merryl Streep selling vacuum cleaners, and I was FLOORED with how her face transformed into Merryl’s! The voice, the movements, the hair touches… everything! (I had just rewatched Death Becomes Her, so was already in Merryl Mode)

Meryl Streep Sells Vacuums Door-to-Door (Impression Challenge)

Then, I found her doing Jennifer Coolidge, and she had this down, too!

So, I began my search of her impressions, as I was enthralled. I found out that the reason she does these so well is that she focuses on “face acting” and “mouth acting”, etc. Amazing stuff! I searched for some classic Bette Davis, which, while overdone, is something “my people” would appreciate. I saw she has a Cameo account, so I had her try some Bette Davis. Here’s the result:

The laugh at the end kicked it! For such a short period of time, I think she did a great job.

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