Xack Phobe's Master Site

Earth Is Ghetto I Wanna Leave – Nikkialiah

I am in love with Nikkialiah!!! She made me cry! I am not sure if she goes by Nikki or Aliah, but she has caught my attention in a big way!

This song showed up in my youtube recommendations, and you know me, I love songs with odd lyrics, and this title alone spoke to me.

So… click.

Played it on a loop for a while, an underlying sadness mixed with joy over the lyrics, then wanted to see if she had any others that would speak to me. This next one had me actually crying. Not with laughter, but with joy of hearing not only her voice, but my own thoughts coming through her.

I immediately wanted to help her, so I went and bought one of the T Shirts that read “Earth is ghetto, I wanna leave” from her shop.

I will buy both of these songs when they come out. She reminds me of a time when I was writing music with only two tape recorders and a tiny casio keyboard. Get that idea down on tape before it leaves!

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